Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Running after Logout

I've had different levels of success with this. If you just place a command in the background with bg, it will still die after logout. Sometimes 'nohup' works, but I'm not sure when or why. It probably has something to do with display type or somthing.

The reason I'm so interested in this is that I often issue 'wget' commands from my laptop that transfer large amounts of data between two remote computers. This was where I got most of my help.

I used "screen", but I didn't do everything smoothly, which probably isn't smart. Screen opened up a different looking terminal in the shell, from which I issued the command. I couldn't get out of the window, so I just clicked "close" on my laptop. After logging back in, I saw that the command continued to run. I'm sure there's a more graceful way to do this, using some screen commands, etc.

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