Friday, July 6, 2007


While I'm busy installing stuff on this new laptop, my officemate pointed out a very cool astronomical mega-package: SciSoft with a huge list of free astronomical tools, some great, some pretty good. I'm trying the yum version. The repository is quite big, so make sure you have enough space in /var, or whereever your local repository lives. There are also rpm and tarball options. The yum and rpm versions are setup for FC6, while the tarball can be compiled for whatever.


bk said...

I actually abandoned this. I got errors running yum, saying that the install required 4-32 GB (depending on which packages). I tried overriding it in yum.conf (diskspacecheck=0, I think), to no avail. Either there's something weird in the headers telling yum that this install will be too huge, or the install really is that huge, which I doubt. The SciSoft packages all have nasty interdependencies that makes individual install difficult. I gave up, and I'm doing everything individually, which I've had success at before.

bk said...

I have since resolved this issue. Scisoft requires installation at "/". Weird, because I don't think everyone makes a "/" partition that can handle several GB. I couldn't figure out how to make rpm or yum install it elsewhere; using "--prefix" and the like just told me the files were "non-relocatable".

Anyways, I made a symbolic link called 'scisoft' at "/", linking it to "/home/scisoft/" and write-protected it, so that the install would be forced to install on another disk, while thinking it was putting it in the right place. It worked.

Everything runs well. To get PyRAF going, I had to disable SE linux, at /etc/selinux/config, where you just set SELINUX=disabled. Be careful if you actually rely on SELinux!